Mission Assemblies
Our weekly Monday morning ‘Mission’ assemblies provide staff and pupils with a focus for their daily lives during the coming week. The ‘mission’ is based on a specific theme in relation to Sacred Scripture. Often, these assemblies focus on the Sunday Mass readings, or on the readings of the day for particular Feast Day and Memorials. Staff members are encouraged to self-evaluate their assemblies and pupils also comment on the impact of the ‘mission’.
School Masses
Mass is central to the Catholic Faith, and it is central to the life of our school and parish family. As a whole school, we attend Mass on a fortnightly basis at St. Elizabeth’s parish church. Children take responsibility for leading the readings, Bidding Prayers, singing, altar serving, and Offertory procession.
Class Prayer Services
At St. Elizabeth’s, staff and pupils engage in weekly class prayer services. These are prepared and led by staff and by groups of children using the following structure:
Our class prayer displays and prayer tables enhance the prayer life within each classroom and around the school building.
Prayer Bags
Our prayer bags encourage families to pray together at home. Each class has a purple prayer bag for Advent and Lent. Inside the prayer bag, children will find prayers linked to the Liturgical Season, a prayer table cloth, a Crucifix, holy water, a book to write down their prayers, and other prayer-based resources.
Altar Serving
We are very blessed to have the involvement of Sister Joan and Sister Olivia in our school and parish family. Among their many responsibilities is their commitment to supporting the training of altar servers.
Children who have made their First Holy Communion are invited to train to become altar servers, and they have a very special and important role in our school and parish Masses.
If your child is interested in becoming an altar server, please do speak to Sister Joan or Sister Olivia when you attend Mass on Sunday.